Brief report on project “Tajikistan Food Security Safety Net Activity”

                                                   Brief report
Project Name: “Tajikistan Food Security Safety Net Activity”
Project funded by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) partnered with WFP Tajikistan Country Office
Project Objectives The project aims to strengthen food security for the targeted most vulnerable populations facing exacerbation of food security situation. This will be achieved by establishing a shock responsive social safety net that links to early warning and early action mechanisms through i) provision of unconditional transfers to the most vulnerable i) building resilience and livelihoods to mitigate future such shocks, and iii) generating systematic evidence through food security surveillance to support rapid response.
Location: 75 jamoats in 37 districts all over the country
Target population 165,000 people for a period of six (6) months
Project Implementation Period May 1,2023 – December 31, 2023
Project Implementation Partner Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST)
Address 120 Umar Khayyam Str., 734017, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Telephone +992 37 224 03 74
Fax +992 37 224 44 33


Despite significant progress which Tajikistan has achieved, it remains vulnerable to external shocks due to its high dependency on migrant remittances, the undiversified economy and export base, as well as a high risk of debt distress.

WFP has analysed results of a comprehensive food security assessment conducted in 2021, which has given preliminary indications that severe food insecurity in Tajikistan will increase from 1 percent to 8 percent, resulting in over 800,000 severely food insecure people. As a result, the prevalence of overall food insecurity (moderate and severe combined) at household level is expected to increase from 20 percent to as high as 36 percent. High food insecurity prevails in most areas of Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), districts of Republican Subordination (DRS) and Khatlon.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with the WFP Tajikistan Country Office (TJCO) has created the “Tajikistan Food Security Safety Net Activity.” This initiative aims to distribute food assistance to vulnerable individuals throughout the country. The goal is to build resilience among food-insecure populations, enabling them to respond effectively to shocks and stressors, while enhancing their capacity for self-sufficiency. As a critical component in reducing and preventing further vulnerability, the national social protection system must develop and implement early warning, early action, and disaster response mechanisms.

The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) signed an agreement with the WFP to implement this program which has responsibilities for 1) activity planning, implementation and monitoring in close coordination with respective WFP field offices; 2) engagement of district authorities; 3) community sensitization and empowerment, including through development and implementation of community feedback mechanisms; 4)conducting HH survey, 6) participation in district and other coordination meetings, as well as joint reviews, meetings, assessments and surveys organized by WFP and government.

Two batches of ToT conducted to orient and build capacity among staff for implementation of the activity. On 18-19 May 2023 the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) organized Two days ToT for 33 participants RCST staff (mainly from GBAO and Soghd provinces (19 people) and HQ staff) and on 23-24 May, 2023 for 38 participants from Khatlon and DRS branches on implementation of the program especially Communications, Gender, Protection, and AAP, Reporting, Logistics and Supply Chain, Targeting, Village Selection, HH Survey, Community Sensitization, SOP Food Distributions, Operational Plan, Operational Plan. The training was facilitated and supervised by 3 WFP staff.The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) organized 37 trainings for Casual workers (RCST volunteers) at the level of districts and regions in Sughd, Khatlon and GBAO as well as in Rasht valley and DRS to target beneficiaries and manage food distirbution.

The hired workers and RCST volunteers conducted HH paper-based verification survey among 33000 HHs in all target districts for the purpose of selection of the most vulnerable populations facing exacerbation of food security situation.

In coordination with the regional RCST programme coordinator all completed questionnaire were sent to the RCST HQ and data entry officers actively entered all data into KOBO system for further verification and selection of the most vulnerable populations according to the specified criteria such as geographic, demographic, socio economic, income and assets and exclusion, which set by the WFP.

After selection of the most vulnerable populations facing exacerbation of food security situation the RCST in close collaboration with the WFP started the first round of distribution in all target districts (jamoats and villages) on 30th June 2023.

First round food distribution completed on 01 September 2023, Total of 149,735 people (29,947 HH) received food rations across the country (91% achievement) for first round (DRS 97%, GBAO 91%, Khatlon 91%, Sughd 95%) against the plan of targeting 165,000 people (33,000 HH). Each household received 75 kg of fortified wheat flour, 2 litre vegetable oil and 6.75 kg pulses.

Second round distribution started on 11th August and will continue as of 31st of October 2023, so far progress is 27% against the target of 33,000 HHs (DRS 24%, GBAO 42%, Khatlon 26%, Sughd 29%). 8,932 HH received food. Considering access issues during winter 2, 295 HH received combined/double rations (2nd+3rd round). This means progress for 3rd round 7% against planned 33000 HHs.

From the CFM help desk 1861 HHs are recommended to include during second round distribution, from ICRC 96 HHs were included, from flood affected area 1053 HHs and recommendation from MFAs another 26 HHs added, summing up total of 33,711 HHs planned to distribute against 33000 for second round distribution.

For visibility and CFM purposes RCST prepared 111 pcs of banners in which shows name of the program, ration of food packet which the vulnerable HH receive, email for feedback (complains, suggestions) as well as the rights of beneficiaries.