Disaster risk reduction program of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan


The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) is one of the largest humanitarian agency with reaching all the parts of the country through its branches and volunteers. RCST carries out relief operations to assist people affected by disasters and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member and volunteers. The RCST’s work focuses on the following areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care. Through disaster risk reduction programming, RCST aims to increase the resilience of communities through comprehensive risk reduction measures in the most disaster-prone communities in all regions.
The project aims to increase the resilience of the most disaster-prone communities in Tajikistan through their active engagement in comprehensive disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures. The activities are being built on the National Society’s presence in and knowledge of, at-risk communities and their expertise and long experience of community-based DRR projects which have been implemented in support of 10 vulnerable communities across Tajikistan.
The project is being implemented in 10 disaster-prone communities in Tajikistan for the period last 12 months. The target population also included children from 10 community schools, as they are part of the community, as well as Red Crescent and civil society organization staff and volunteers. Gender equality and social inclusion were ensured when selecting the target population at communities in high disaster risk areas, both rural and urban. Priority was given to those who are most vulnerable to disaster risks due to their social status, age, gender or health condition. RCST project specifically targeted schoolchildren who are both vulnerable to disaster risks and capable of becoming agents of change by bringing knowledge and skills back home and to their communities.
The 10 targeted communities in Hissor, Tursunzoda, Vahdat, Shahrinav, and Rasht areas were supported to form a Community Based Disaster Management Committee to empower community members through participation in disaster risk reduction training, planning activities for disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction. The Committees were established, in each of 10 targeted communities which included community members, leaders, respected people and National Society active volunteers. The selected team members passed the basic disaster risk reduction training including: vulnerability and capacity assessment, disaster risk assessment, DRR planning, local early warning system, Hazard mitigation; e.g. flood, earthquakes, drought mitigation, climate change adaptation and disaster awareness activities among population.
The established Community-Based Disaster Management Committees were provided with basic response equipment including axes, shovels, hoes, vests with logos, uniforms, rubber boots in order to be used in mitigation and risk reduction activities.
The project is based on social mobilization among the target communities so that they strengthen their own resilience through initiating various small-scale mitigation activities combined with public awareness and education activities. Communities empowered to organize their own DRR activities not only build their resilience but also develop a model which can be replicated or adapted in the future beyond the project timeframe.
The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) is one of the largest humanitarian agency with reaching all parts of the country through its branches and volunteers. RCST carries out relief operations to assist people affected by disasters and combines this with development work to strengthen the capacities of its member and volunteers. The RCST’s work focuses on the following areas: promoting humanitarian values, disaster response, disaster preparedness, and health and community care. Through disaster risk reduction programming, RCST aims to increase the resilience of communities through comprehensive risk reduction measures in the most disaster-prone communities in all regions.
The project aims to increase the resilience of the most disaster-prone communities in Tajikistan through their active engagement in comprehensive disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures. The activities are being built on the National Society’s presence in and knowledge of, at-risk communities and their expertise and long experience of community-based DRR projects which have been implemented in support of 10 vulnerable communities across Tajikistan.
The project is being implemented in 10 disaster-prone communities in Tajikistan for the period of the last 12 months. The target population also included children from 10 community schools, as they are part of the community, as well as Red Crescent and civil society organization staff and volunteers. Gender equality and social inclusion were ensured when selecting the target population at communities in high disaster risk areas, both rural and urban. Priority was given to those who are most vulnerable to disaster risks due to their social status, age, gender or health condition. RCST project specifically targeted schoolchildren who are both vulnerable to disaster risks and capable of becoming agents of change by bringing knowledge and skills back home and to their communities.
The 10 targeted communities in Hissor, Tursunzoda, Vahdat, Shahrinav and Rasht areas were supported to form a Community Based Disaster Management Committee to empower community members through participation in disaster risk reduction trainings, planning activities for disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction. The Committees were established, in each of 10 targeted communities which included community members, leaders, respected people and National Society active volunteers. The selected team members passed the basic disaster risk reduction training including: vulnerability and capacity assessment, disaster risk assessment, DRR planning, local early warning system, Hazard mitigation; e.g. flood, earthquakes, drought mitigation, climate change adaptation and disaster awareness activities among population.
The established Community-Based Disaster Management Committees were provided with basic response equipment including axes, shovels, hoes, vests with logos, uniforms, rubber boots in order to be used in mitigation and risk reduction activities.
The project is based on social mobilization among the target communities so that they strengthen their own resilience through initiating various small-scale mitigation activities combined with public awareness and education activities. Communities empowered to organize their own DRR activities not only build their resilience but also develop a model which can be replicated or adapted in the future beyond the project timeframe.
The DRR Project is supported by European Union through UNDRR and IFRC and implemented by RCST in 10 target communities of Hissor, Tursunzoda, Shahrinav, Vahdat and Rasht areas.