Distribution of the Non-food items for the 185 poorest households in Rasht district


Project: “Top up Forecast-based financing (FbF) in Central Asia” 2021-2022, Donor: GFFO Global Project I

Activity as indicated in Project logframe: EAP for extreme cold wave scenario in Tajikistan is tested via distribution of procured 185 Non-food items (NFI) family sets to the beneficiaries in selected target areas.

On 19th of January 2022, an extreme cold wave was forecasted by TajikHydromet. The subzero extreme temperatures were expected between 25-29 of January 2022, in Central-North areas [-21°C- 28°C] and Central-West areas of the country with a forecast of below [-17°C-22°C] with 5 consecutive days respectively. The trigger for EAP target zones in the central northern part is -21°C and -16°C for central-western areas, and -39°C for eastern areas. Both areas were selected in Early Action Protocol on the Cold wave in Tajikistan and have high vulnerability and poverty levels.

The dispatch of delivery trucks to the north target communities has been postponed 2 times and then canceled due to approximately 15 avalanches having restricted access to the mainline road network.

On 21st and 22nd of January 2022, the RCST staff and volunteers with the coordination of GRC distributed and disseminated the NFI Family kits for the 185 poorest households in one of the vulnerable to cold waves communities, in Hisorak villages, Rasht district [central west]. The total number of beneficiaries is 302 households. Family kits consist of matrasses, plaid for elderlies and children, woman’s woolen shawls, pillows, bedding sets, isolation material for flooring and windows, and thermos flasks. The total amount of delivered NFIs to the most 185 vulnerable families (Hisorak village, Rasht district), including transportation fees is 32,661.00 Euro, under the GPI Project.

According to the long-term forecast of TajıkHydromet, second cold wave anomalies are expected in early February – the subzero temperatures will be a few degrees below the climatic norm and accompanied by heavy loads of snow and rain with gusty winds.

Please refer below to the photos of the distribution mission.

The percentage of procured NFI family kits used for testing of EAP cold wave in Tajikistan received by beneficiaries [disaggregated by age and gender and including data on persons with disabilities].

Age Group Male Female Total
651 51.2% 622 48.8% 1273 100%
< 5 38 6% 46 7% 84 7%
< 18 303 47% 212 34% 515 40%
18-49 222 34% 263 42% 485 38%
50 and > 88 14% 101 16% 189 15%
Total 651 100% 622 100% 1273 100%

From the total planned number of people reached stated above, the total number of people with disabilities was reached: 12 persons (100%).

PwD Male PwD Female Total
8 4 12 (100%)