Under the above-mentioned titles, from 30 October to 03 November 2023 in the conference hall of the “Atlas| hotel in the city of Dushanbe, a two-day training was held, which was titled Institutionalization CEA for the RCST staff and volunteers.

Among the participants there were employees of the HQ of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan, the RCST branch in Sughd province, the RCST branch in Badakhshan Mountainous Autonomous Region (GBAO), especially the employees of this project from all 7 target towns and districts of Sughd districts.

On behalf of the RCST leadership, Mr. Nurullo Fayzalizoda, First Deputy General Secretary of the RCST opened the training and invited all participants to actively participate. Then the project team-members continued to talk about the importance and timeliness of consideration of these topics for the RCST staff and volunteers.

During the 5 days, experienced trainers, including Ms. Cecilia Portillo, Diana Medina, Lina Garcia and Erica O’Hallorane within the framework of the topic and issues of CEA institutionalization within the RCST structure, PGI in emergencies, safety, violence and smuggling and trafficking in humans, etc. presented detailed information in the form of slide shows and presentations.

In order to strengthen the knowledge and information received, more group exercises was conducted among the participants.

Thus, these two important trainings ended in a very memorable way for the participants.

At the end, in the presence of the RCST leadership, international trainers handed over a certificate of participation in the training on the above-mentioned topics to each participant.

It is worth noting that in the framework of the Year I of the Country Action “Accelerating Local Action in Humanitarian and Health Crises” in Tajikistan under ECHO-PPP program, since month of May 2022, with the financial support of the Humanitarian Office of the European Union, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the German Red Cross (leading organization), the Finnish Red Cross and the Italian Red Cross are being implemented in 7 targeted towns and districts of the Sughd province by the ECHO-PPP team-members.