Cash-in-hand Distribution to Afghan refugees


The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) within the framework of Emergency Appeal: MDR65006, Population Movement on 31 October and 1 November in Vahdat town (169 households), on 2 November in Rudaki district (41 households) and on 3 November in Dushanbe city (35 households) with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and in cooperation with partners such as non-governmental organizations and relevant governmental agencies and local authorities distributed one-time cash assistance among totally 245 vulnerable refugee households based on the criteria such as multiple children, disabilities, chronic diseases and other criteria defined by IFRC.
During distribution of this aid, RCST branches representatives and volunteers in Vahdat town, Rudaki district and Dushanbe city, area inspectors of police departments of the above-mentioned towns and districts, IFRC representatives and representatives of the Community of Afghan refugees in Tajikistan “Ariana” participated.