Report meeting in the RCST


On October 15, 2019 in the hall of Henri Dunant of the Executive Office of the Central Committee of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) was held a meeting to summarize the activities of the RCST in the first nine months of 2019 with the participation of society.

The meeting was opened by Kurbaniyon Bahodur, Secretary General of the RCST.

Then, the Secretary General of the RCST spoke about the activities of all structures of the RCST in the first nine months of 2019, noting that a number of urban and district branches of the RCST have not properly implemented their financial plans for this period. He is also involved in repaying loans for utility programs in Farkhor, Lakhsh, N. Khusrav and Vanj expressed concern and instructed the regional branches of Bactria and Kulyab and the GBAO sector to address this issue by the end of 2019.

The Fundraising Department and the RCST units were instructed to find new ways to raise funds.

Then, Fayzalizoda Nurullo, First Deputy Secretary General of the RCST continued the meeting and spoke on issues of membership, fulfillment of statutory functions and other issues.