The second phase of the distribution of assistance


On June 20, 2020 during the second phase of DREF Operation: MDRTJ029, the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan (RCST) delivered and distributed 78 sets of non-food items to affected and the most vulnerable families in Khuroson district of Khatlon province.
Provided non-food items consisted of basic needs items: mattresses, pillows, bed linen sets, quilts, buckets, shovel, hoes, hygiene kits, kitchen sets and plastic sheeting.
In order to avoid water related infections and conduct hygiene promotion activities among affected population, 8 information banners were installed in public places including distribution point, another 5 000 copies of information materials: Hygiene and Sanitation titled “Water for life” and “Fresh water is safe” were distributed among affected population.
Under this operation, National Society has covered families, whose houses are heavily damaged and who have lost their property and belongings, most vulnerable families with many children or with vulnerable elderly, and families headed by women as the only breadwinners.
All operations including delivery of goods, transportation to affected areas and distribution taking into account the needs assessment were conducted in close cooperation with Committee of Emergency Situation and Civil Defense’ representatives and local authorities of Khuroson district.
Information Centre of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, June, 2020