Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan providing assistance to affected families from the natural disaster in Khuroson district of Khatlon Province


Assisting the most vulnerable population is the main priority of the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistanand National Society always tries to support them on daily basis taking into account their real needs.
The National Society plans to provide 338 households with household items and provide 72 the most affected households with unconditional cash with the support of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF).
The overall operational objective is to provide relief assistance to 338 households (1,690 people) through household items to cover basic needs and additionally to 72 affected households (360 people) with unconditional cash grants whose houses have been totally destroyed, damaged, flooded and lost their home properties and belongings.
2,690 people living in the affected communities will be reached by hygiene promotion activities and distribution of information materials. The operation will be completed within three months.
Based on the assessment in the field, the affected population in Khuroson district of Khatlon Province will be assisted through the action with household items to cover basic needs (mattresses, pillows, bed linen sets, quilts, buckets, shovel, hoes, hygiene kits,kitchen sets and plastic sheeting). The cash grant provides 150 CHF per household.
Under this operation, RCST will cover families, whose houses are heavily damaged and who have lost their property and belongings, the most vulnerable families with many children or with vulnerable elderly and families headed by women as the only breadwinners.
All operations including delivery of goods, transportation to affected areas and distribution taking into account the needs assessment were conducted in close cooperation with the Committee of Emergency Situation and Civil Defense’ representatives andlocal authorities of Khatlon Province.
On June 2, 2020, during the first phase of distribution, some 260 affected families from Khuroson district according to approved list of beneficiaries provided by National Emergency Response Commission received non-food items, including hygiene kits. During the second phase, another 78 affected families will be covered with the humanitarian aid.
It is important to mention that during the distribution of the humanitarian aid, Chairman of Khatlon Province, Mr. Kurbon HAKIMZODA had visited the RCST distribution point, where he talked with affected population as well as expressed his gratitude to National Society’sstaff and volunteers for their effective activities.
On the same day, RCST provided non-food items to the 6 families who severely affected in Galaba street of Vahdat town jointly in close cooperation with Committee of Emergency Situation and Civil Defense’ representatives and local authorities of Vahdat town.
The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan always try to continue its humanitarian actions in line with the policies of the Government of Tajikistan directed to the most vulnerable population .
The Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) is a fund set up by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1985 to ensure that immediate financial support is available for Red Cross/Red Crescent emergency response to disasters.
The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan is one of the oldest humanitarian organizations in the country and is providing assistance to people in need since 1927. The National Society plays a significant role in providing humanitarian assistance to victims of frequent disasters like: floods, landslides, drought and earthquakes. RCST has a key role in disaster preparedness and response activities in Tajikistan. RCST has branches in all 69 districts and counts more than 10.000 of volunteers throughout the country. In 2010, Parliament of Tajikistan adopted a law on “The Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan” and recognized some governmental guarantees and benefits to the organization. The current RCST programs plans are in line with the International Federation’s Global Agenda goals and Strategies.